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Automatic door origin
Category:The industry of science and technology   Publish:2014-05-08 08:46:10   [Back]
 Photoelectric beam using pedals, effects such as electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic-driven system that automatically open and close the doors. 1th century AD, Greece people built herodias automatically open temple doors to the device (Figure 1) is the first use of pneumatic and hydraulic-powered automatic doors. As shown in the figure, altar ignition 1 air expansion, water flows into 2, 3 turning the water weight axis, opened the door. Altar of fire doors automatically shut down. Modern methods of operation there are three main types of automatic door (Figure 2). ① foot plate: pressure switch is installed under the pedals. ② photoelectric beam: beam launchers near the door and fax devices. ③ button: press switch button enables the doors open with your hands. Automatic door opening and closing the doors, including sliding, hinged or folding. In order to guard against theft, must also be fitted with special equipment, such as families with automatic doors will need to be equipped with identification device or TV monitor, to strictly limit the officer outside the home. Automatic doors at shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, airports, train stations, banks, and other occasions have been widely used.

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